Melissa Paige / Certified Doula in Bay City, Michigan

I have been a Birth Doula since 2008, with helping well over 200 families. I am a full time doula which allows me to give each client my fullest attention at any moment during their pregnancy, labor and postpartum time. I believe every clients desires are different and I am committed to giving the highest standard of care. I tailor my services and classes to each clients specific desires. I am recommended and warmly welcomed by your healthcare provider and nurses to be part of your birth team, this ensures that you will have the best care given.


Adult And Infant CPR Classes Birth And Postpartum Doula Services Birth Doula Childbirth Class Childbirth Education Childbirth Educator Emotional First Time Mom Informational Support Lactation Support New Parent Classes Over 35 Prenatal And Postpartum Visits Professional Infant Care Provider VBAC
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